Improve Wellness At Work
My wellness sessions include fun interactive group workshops, demonstrations, plus private one to one sessions.
NEW - Virtual Mindfulness Meditation workshops. Introduce wellness into your workplace by maximizing your team's lunch breaks. Join me for live mindfulness meditation classes.
My employee wellbeing workshops offer comprehensive support to protect against stress and burnout. Whether you want to build the resilience of your people, optimise their wellbeing at work or at home, there is a programme for you.
My mission is to support employees in improving their lifestyle in or out of work with the purpose of creating a happy and healthy work life balance with a culture or care and nurture within the workplace.
My group workshops include: More about Menopause, Men & Womens Health, Diet Tips, How to be more Healthy, Stress, Anxiety & open floor where other topics can be discussed.
Clients Include…
NEW Mental Health in the Workplace workshop
I will discuss how to:
•Identify the the signs of Mental Health Issues
•Have conversations with team members
Support Team Members with their Mental Health
•Changes can you make in the workplace to improve Team members Mental Health and improve their performance at work
40 minutes
Unlimited attendees
Perfect for morning / lunchtime / break out sessions
Please contact me for more information and to book.
Maximizing your team's lunch breaks / team meetings.
Join me for live mindfulness meditation classes
25 /40 / 50 minutes
Unlimited attendees
Perfect for lunchtime / break out sessions
Please contact me for more information and to book.
Introduce wellness into your workplace by hosting a Wellness Day
Personal wellness plans
Small group workshops: 50 minutes for 6 people
121 sessions: 20 or 50 minutes each
Mindfulness sessions in person, online or downloadable
Full or half days sessions
Lunchtime & break out sessions